Preliminary information
Please read through these instructions and make sure you are able to comply with all regulations to be granted access to the dropzone.
Before coming to the dropzone
All jumps are to remain within the boundaries of the para-drop zone operational area.
Valid licences / members to be ensured as per PASA requirements.
Prior going to the drop-zone / club, complete the required indemnity form available at the bottom of this webpage.
For following 7 day periods, re-applications are to be made.
Keep a printed copy / digital copy of the confirmation in your possession while at the dropzone.
- If you are requested to pre-manifest, we are assuming that your reserve is in-date and you’re a member of PASA. If you aren’t a club member we WILL be charging you as that means we’re making the DZ a private location. If we find out that something is not right after you’ve manifested then unfortunately you won’t be able to jump but we are unlikely to be able to fill your slot so your money goes for a scenic plane ride without you. You have been warned, but this should be nothing new.
- If you are not feeling well, please do not come to the dropzone. In this case we’ll do what we can to fill your slots.
- Please familiarise yourself with PASA COVID MOPs.
Arrival at the dropzone
Arriving at the dropzone you will be required to do the following:
- Have your temperature checked, ideally before you mingle with anyone else. We’d like to do this first of all so please help us achieve this.
- Sanitise your hands – we will be providing hand sanitiser. Please continue to sanitise whenever it seems sensible.
- Confirm that you aren’t feeling unwell.
While waiting for your jumps
While you are waiting to jump:
- Minimise contact with manifest – WhatsApp, shout, smoke signals, telepathy etc…
- Only manifest staff in manifest. Please bring your own pens.
- If you need to go to manifest, maintain a safe distance from manifest window.
- Payments are strictly EFT as usual. Please WhatsApp a screenshot of your POP if requested to manifest.
- Please wash/sanitise hands regularly and maintain social distancing practices.
- Masks should be worn at the DZ at all times as per government guidelines
- At the moment we have no guidelines for use of the facilities other than please help sanitise where possible.
Procedures during parachute jumping
Please ensure the following guidelines are followed while you are in the plane.
- Masks, a buff pulled down over the mouth and nose or full-face helmet with visor down shall be compulsory in the aircraft.
- Talking to the pilot is discouraged unless essential to safety.
- Handles, door handles, inside of the door, interior are cleaned prior to each load.
- Aircraft will be sanitised inside at end of each day and before start of each day.
- Nobody permitted to board without wearing a mask, a buff pulled over their mouth and nose or closed full face helmet.
- Please, where possible, minimise touching of all hard surfaces in the aircraft.
After jumping
After you’ve jumped, please ensure the following;
- Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands with water and soap as per government guidelines. Hand sanitiser will be provided and available at the dropzone.
- Keep appropriately socially distanced.
- Consider packing for yourself instead of asking someone else.
Experienced Jumpers
Here are some points for those experienced jumpers jumping for the first time post-COVID-19 lock down so you can start preparing;
- Read the currency section of the MOPs. Look at section 2, paragraph 2.2, on page 21.
You need to show up familiar with the MOPs and their procedures. You need to be fully aware, if A licensed, what your recurrency jump entails. If it requires an ISP coach you need to have communicated that and confirmed a coach is available. If you are B and above you need to present your plan to get recurrent, which needs to take into account your level of experience and personal comfort levels. This needs to be passed by the CI/instructors for approval because, although currency is the jumper’s responsibility from B onward, it still falls to the CI to ensure they are happy with the way that responsibility is being conducted.
COVID-19 Indemnity Form for Entry to Skydive Robertson
COVID-19 questions to be answered before entry to the dropzone.
You will receive an email confirmation which is your authorisation to enter Skydive Robertson premises during the next 7 days. The following will be applicable:
- This application allows users to apply for entry to Skydive Robertson premises
- All information provided as part of this application process remains private and confidential to the applicant
- For following 7 day periods, re-applications are to be made
- Keep a printed copy / digital proof of authorisation while on premises
- I will wear a mask while on premises as per Government guidelines
- I will practice social distancing while on premises as per Government guidelines
- I will sanitize frequently while on premises
- Should I start to feel unwell while on the premises, I will leave premises immediately and notify Skydive Robertson